Publish Your Articles


WHRP invites you to submit an article.

Share your knowledge and ideas with your colleagues and our profession. Submit an article for WHRP consideration!

Provide valuable information and a forum for human resource professionals to express ideas, generate dialogue and provide information in a way that is practical, lively, insightful and inspirational.

Our Publication Philosophy

We believe that no writing is ever wasted. The process of writing clarifies and expands our thinking and brings us new ideas. Sharing writing builds the world's store of knowledge and ideas, which helps our colleagues, our profession and each of us.

Editorial Guidelines

►    Subject matter should reflect HR practices (i.e., legal, employee relations, compensation, benefits, recruiting, etc.)
►    The purpose of this communications platform is to provide members & non-members with information to advance their knowledge and effectiveness in the HR community and to connect members with one another. The long-term goal of this communications platform encompasses providing resources, coverage of Association events, member profiles, job postings and so forth.
►    WHRP members or other human resources-related professionals are encouraged to submit an original article(s) or research that enhances knowledge and processes in the management of human resources and is of educational value to BC HRMA members.
►    WHRP has the right to refuse any advertising or sponsorship related materials, visual or written, of a questionable or controversial nature ie. those with explicit or exploitative content. Similarly, WHRP will not accept any written or visual content that conveys disrespect for individuals due to their ability or socio-economic status.
►    Events sponsored by WHRP and other organizations may be advertised in the Newsletter. 
►    WHRP reserves the right to edit all submissions for grammar, style and extraneous material however at all times original submissions will be preserved to the best of our ability
►    All articles must be submitted in MS Word format
►    Articles should be approximately 800-1250 words in length.
►    Articles cannot be solicitous in nature.
►    WHRP reserves the right to edit, use or not use each submission.
►    Present information concisely, in easily identified lists or clusters.
►    Simple graphics that illustrate a model or process are very effective.
►    You may include a brief bio statement: Your name, title, web site, e-mail and city where you are based. You may also include recent books published or areas of specialty that helps provide credibility to your article.
►    It's best to submit your idea or early draft when you have it.